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Exercise Anywhere!

You CAN exercise anywhere. You already know that? Probably, but you think it cannot be as intense a workout compared to a big gym with all of that very large, very expensive exercise equipment?

I am here to tell you a workout with your own body weight can be just as intense as with any machine. The intensity is all up to you, in how you position your body.

If this interests you, join me as we perform over 100 bodyweight exercises, increasing the intensity, and pushing you out of your current boundaries into a new you.

I am not saying other forms of exercise are unnecessary or not legitimate. I want you to exercise with what makes you happiest.

Interested in becoming a bodyweight fitness instructor?
Click Here!

Various Exercise I recommend:

Click Here for a good book on Swimming for Exercise

Boxing Fitness Click Here for a great Boxing Website

Free Weights Click Here for Free Weight Exercises

Resistance Bands Click Here for my Resistance Band Exercise Login

Username: contact me for this info
Password: contact me for this info

Plyometric Exercises
Click here for the Plyometric Exercise Page

Click here for the Kettlebell Basics page

Ring Training

Maybe you'd like to try them all and become a jack of all trades! It's all up to your likes and dislikes.

The important thing is that you find something you enjoy and stick to it, with a strength training program that is always intense.

I can be there to build you a custom strength training program.

Open your mind to the possibility that you CAN exercise anywhere!

But Why Exercise?
Click here for a couple of articles that tackle why you should exercise!

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